How It Started – Relationship

Short Story of How it Started – Relationship

When I was young, wild and still exploring life, very was active on social media. The three most popular social media platforms back then were Facebook, Twitter, and Tagged. I know the current Gen Zs have not tried using tagged, and it is still active in 2024. Tagged made it easier to communicate and make friends from various countries. During that prime, I met a lady let’s call her “Rihanna”. She was very talkative and I liked how our conversation floated. We used to talk everyday morning and night and this ended up with us exchanging numbers and many phone calls were made between us.

Not that during these many conversations we had have, I had only seen her appearance from the photos of her she had uploaded on tagged. We had not met because she lived in a different city miles away. I still had not bought a car yet, so moving around was difficult for me. Then one day during a weekday she called me and said she was in Nairobi. You know that was the opportunity! I had to go and see this stranger I had been talking with only. So I took that risk and went to pick her up from where she was.

I found her waiting for me at the bus stop and took her to a good restaurant. We clicked and talked about a lot of staff, it was a good vibe. Then she left the city heading home, and told me that she had made an effort and next time it is up to me to show up at her town. I told her all organized myself because my working schedule was difficult. During those days I used to work from Monday to Saturday at noon. That means if I had to go and see her all have to travel on Saturday afternoon and return on Sunday so I could also get to do my laundry.

One fine weekend I traveled to see her, I had already booked a hotel because I was not comfortable staying at a woman’s place. Traveling to where she lived took four hours via road on public means. This is because public means mostly drop people along the road and pick up other travelers heading on the same route. It was my first time traveling to that city and I did not have any friends or relatives who lived there. I was also scared because it could be a scam and I might end up being drugged or robbed.

She picked me up from where I alighted and took me home. I was extremely cautious and alert for security reasons. According to a channel on YouTube Active Self Protection, they say “under any circumstance, you have to be aware of what is happening around you” Situation Awareness. That evening things went great, took her for dinner then she wanted to party and we went to the best club in her city. Spending money was not a big deal to me back then. She danced and enjoyed herself and I took her home then retired to my hotel and the next day on Sunday I went home.

I know she enjoyed herself when she started asking me to visit her again. I enjoyed her company too and was like cool all visit her at the beginning of the month. Now when I returned to visit her at the end of the month she said I could sleep at her sibling’s house. So this time we went out, and slept at her sibling’s house. Now early in the morning hours as we were having breakfast, she told me that if I saw her sister I would leave her. I did not understand what she was talking about, until when the door was knocked and her sister was the one who came to say hi. She was…….

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